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Thursday 5 April 2012

Destination: Masdar city

I hate that I first discovered this location while studying ecotowns in geography but it is a physics place since I rediscovered it while watching a brave new world! Masdar City is near Abu Dabi in the United Arab Emirates and I am about to get super technical now and try to embed a map?

Wow, I hope you are suitable impressed!

To be honest visiting Masda City seems the most realistic way to visit the future. It will be the first zero carbon, zero waste city which is quite an impressive title to own. Because they have built the city from scratch they have been able to implement an incredible infrastructure. There is an automated underground network of electric cars. This means that there will be no traffic congestion to ruin the landscape, no exhaust pollution, traffic accidents and make it much safer form pedestrians. And of course the eletricity is generated from sustainable, renewable sources. Plus they look completely awesome!
There are also lots of other innovative ways to make it such a sustainable city. For example it gets very very hot in this part of the world (feel free to look at the map again!) and so to air condition the streets they have this huge wind tunnel thing to get the wind from higher up and funnel it into the streets.
The only problem is that it isn't quite finished yet... Its planned to be finished by 2016 but you know these things hardly ever seem to finish on time so I won't book my plan ticket just yet! Or maybe that time machine would be handy after all... However James Cameron has visited (he made movies like Avatar and Titanic though I don't see why that means that he gets to go there... sorry that's just my jelousy talking!).

And the Masdar institute, is up and running and the university students are the first to live in the city. Why isn't there a leaflet for that in the careers library at school?! they don't have a physics degree programme as of yet but I may even have been tempted to take a material science course to go there!

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